Active Citizens Fund Romania is administered by a Consortium composed of Civil Society Development Foundation, Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation, Resource Center for Roma Communities, PACT Foundation and Frivillighet Norge, acting as Fund Operator (FO) designated by FMO – Financial Mechanism Office of the EEA and Norway Grants.
Contact us
If you wish to file a complaint or an alert regarding the programme Active Citizens Fund Romania, you can fill in the form below. This is an anonymous form; if you wish to be contacted later on or informed about the result of your complaint, please send us your contact details (name and email address) in the section entitled Contact details.
Please note that all alerts and complaints regarding the implementation of Active Citizens Fund Romania shall be first assessed by the Active Citizens Fund Romania Fund Operator.
O persoană care a depus o plângere sau o alertă de nereguli și nu este mulțumită de răspunsul Operatorului Fondului are dreptul de a sesiza Comitetul de Reclamații (la adresa complaintsacf [at], care va reconsidera plângerea sau alerta și va decide asupra acesteia.
Decisions regarding administrative compliance and eligibility verification, as well as decisions related to the selection process are not subject to verification by the Complaints Committee.