

Conferința internațională ”Egalitatea de gen: Cheia dezvoltării economice și sociale în Europa și nu numai”| 31 Octombrie – 1 Noiembrie 2019 | Reykjavik, Islanda


* aplicantul nu a fost de acord cu publicarea numelui și prenumelui.

CostacheIrinaAsociatia pentru Libertate si Egalitate de Gen

The International Conference on "Gender Equality: The Key to Economic and Social Development in Europe and Beyond" takes place in Reykjavík (Iceland) from 31 October to 1 November 2019 and is organized by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, in partnership with the Portuguese Committee for Citizenship and Gender Equality and the Norwegian Representation for Equality and Anti-Discrimination.


The organizers aim to give organizations in the Beneficiary Countries of the Active Citizens Fund and organizations in Iceland that work as a priority on gender equality the opportunity to come together, learn together and exchange best practices on the main topic of the conference – gender equality.The event will also provide a unique networking context for possible future partnerships supported through the EEA and Norway Grants/Active Citizens Fund Program.


For this event, the Civil Society Development Foundation (FDSC) seeks to send to Reykjavík 1 person from Romania, representing a non-governmental organization with experience in the theme of gender equality, an organization to be active in networks/coalitions on this topic. That person should be willing to pass on the information and best practices discussed at the event to as many people as possible interested in the subject, in particular from non-governmental organizations.


The costs related to participation at the event (transport, accommodation, meals) are covered by the FDSC and the organizers. Working language: English


Application form, as well as additional details despre eveniment sunt disponibile .

Entries for the event take place until Wednesday, October 2, 2 p.m. The selection will be made and communicated on the same day and will take into account the motivation for participation, the relevant experience and how the subsequent use of the information/knowledge acquired is proposed.


Contact person for further information: Irina Bejan -