Name | Prenume | Orgnaizație |
Băltărețu | Ingrid | Hope and Homes for Children Romania |
Iordănescu | Ancuța | Asociația Copii pentru Viitor Lupeni |
Iacoblev | Liuba | AUTISM ROMANIA-Asociatia Parintilor Copiilor cu Autism |
Paiu | Angelica | Mare Nostrum NGO |
Patrateanu | Elena | ICAR Foundation |
Daea | Marius Ilie | Asociația Eurolife |
Ionascu | Andreea-Stefania | Mare Nostrum NGO |
Pogacian | Adrian | ReThinking Europe |
Creosteanu | Kristina | Asociatia Impreuna pentru Dezvoltarea Comunitatii - AIDC |
Mirea Candea | Mihaela | Mare Nostrum NGO |
Gavrilă-Anghel | Catalina-Florentina | Corpul Profesional al Mediatorilor din Judetul Ilfov |
xxx* | xxx* | Organizatia Nationala Cercetasii Romaniei Centrul Local Aetos Drobeta Turnu Severin |
Ionescu | Anca Dorina | Mediation Council |
Serbanescu | Elena | House of Nature |
Romanescu | Andrada Alina | Local |
Molnar | Judith | Civitas Foundation |
Mitrut | Oana | AEVR- Asociatia Educatie pentru Viata Reala |
Gavan | Laura | Art Out Association |
Stuparu | Ludmila | Citizen Next |
Cristea | Maria Francesca | Consiliul Tineretului din România - CTR |
Voinea | Carmen | CARUSEL |
Tudorache | Monica | Necuvinte Association |
Buhuceanu | Florin | ECPI-Centrul Euroregional pentru Initiative Publice |
Dragomir | Adelina | GEYC |
Takács | Reka-Anna | Asociatia "Emil Negrutiu" |
Pantel | Miruna | Centrul de Dezvoltare Curriculara si Studii de Gen: FILIA |
Dămoc | Marian | Romanian Youth Movement for Democracy |
Dulgheru | Petrica | Asociatia Roma Entrepreunership Development Initiative |
Bercus | Costel | Center for Education and Human Rights |
Oglagea | Andreea | A.R.T. Fusion |
Drăghici | Maria - Andreea | Make Sense Association |
Tudorica | Mihai | ARC |
Ciobotaru | Victor | ACCEPT Association |
Ciorcilă | Adriana | Bacău`s Youth Federation |
Cezar | Maria | Expert Forum (EFOR) |
Paraschiv | Raluca | #REZISTENTA |
Paius | Diana | Fundatia Serviciilor Sociale Bethany |
Barzan | Cosmin | Centrul pentru Resurse Civice |
Dărășteanu | Paul Mihai | Școala Trimitoare |
Iliescu | Ioana | Center for Legal Resources |
Grosar | Vlad-Alexandru | Suceava County Youth Foundation |
Rapeanu | Adela | Geeks for Democracy |
Lascau | Cristina | Raul-Sebastian Association |
Coroian | Ana Maria | Fundația Ajutați Copiii România |
Pop | Liviu | uzinaduzina |
postovei | Dimitrie Anatoli | asociatia hair redivivus buzau |
Stan | Simona | Centrul European pentru Politici Educaționale și Formare Interdisciplinară “InterEDU” |
Voinea | Stefan | Romanian Health Observatory |
Taban | Irina | Lindenfeld Association |
Sara | Iulia | Asociatia Fiinta Rurala (Rural Being) |
Tudorascu | Florin | Association Pro Natura Galati |
Bokos | Emese | Ulpianum Sports Club Oradea |
Bejenariu | Catrinel | Asociația Punctart |
Patru | Silvia Ana Maria | Asociatia Dominou |
Manache | Laura | UPgrade NGO |
* aplicantul nu a fost de acord cu publicarea numelui și prenumelui.
Name | Prenume | Organisation |
Molnar | Judith | Civitas Foundation |
Buhuceanu | Florin | ECPI-Centrul Euroregional pentru Initiative Publice |
Pantel | Miruna | Centrul de Dezvoltare Curriculara si Studii de Gen: FILIA |
Cezar | Maria | Expert Forum (EFOR) |
Rapeanu | Adela | Geeks for Democracy |
Barzan | Cosmin | The Civic Resource Centre / Centrul pentru Resurse Civice |
Dulgheru | Petrica | Asociatia Roma Entrepreunership Development Initiative |
Cristea | Maria Francesca | Consiliul Tineretului din România - CTR |
Iliescu | Ioana | Center for Legal Resources |
Bidilica | Mihaela | uzinaduzina |
Baltaretu | Ingrid | Hope and Homes for Children Romania |
Raducanu | Gabriela | Star of Hope Romania foundation |
Based on the successful results obtained in the past, when the previous NGO Fund significantly facilitated mutual learning and understanding among Romanian and donor state organisations, the new Active Citizens Fund relies on lessons learned and focuses on enhancing sustainable partnerships in areas where the expertise of donor state entities and Romanian organisations is most effectively capitalized for the benefit of the civil society. A first such context was created in Romania, in October 2019, where more than 40 entities from Romania and the Donor States met in Bucharest and had very productive conversations during the one and a half days Matchmaking Seminar focusing on partnership building.
In this regard, we are pleased to announce and invite Romanian organisations to our second international event – a Matchmaking Seminar organized in Sandefjord, Norge, on January 20 - 22, 2020,organized under the Fund for Bilateral Relations.
The aim of the seminar is to facilitate contact and discussions on concrete cooperation and partnership project development between representatives from Norwegian and Romanian entities. We look forward to sharing information on the Active citizens Fund Romania and to provide space to develop ideas that could turn into donor partnership projects and be submitted within the calls of the Active Citizens Fund Romania that will be launched until that date.
The thematic focus envisaged for discussions and cooperation will be in line with the specific areas of support covered by the Active Citizens Fund Romania, namely: Democracy, active citizenship, good governance and transparency; Human rights and equal treatment through combating any discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender identity; Social justice and inclusion of vulnerable groups; Gender equality and gender-based violence (GBV); Environment and climate change.
January 20ᵗʰ
Arrival of participants
12.30 – 14.30
14.30 – 16.00
Welcome remarks, overview of the Active Citizens Fund Romania - calls for proposals, areas of support and focus on donor partnership opportunities.
16.00 – 16.30
Coffee break
16.00 – 18.00
Facilitated networking session for Romanian and Norwegian participants to showcase their own organizations and interests for collaboration.
Dinner at the hotel
January 21st
09.30 – 11.00
Thematic workshops conducted through interactive methods and focused on understanding national particularities when joining a donor partnership project.
11.00 – 11.30
Coffee break
11.30 – 13.00
Workshop on developing concrete project ideas that can be submitted under the Active Citizens Fund Romania, part 1
13.00 – 14.30
14.30 – 16.00
Workshop on developing concrete project ideas that can be submitted under the Active Citizens Fund Romania, part 2
16.00 – 16.30
Coffee break
Dinner at the hotel
16.00 – 18.00
Plennary sessions with conclusions and expert feedback. Closing remarks.
January 22nd
Until 12.30
Departure of participants
The working language of the event will be ENGLISH and no translation services will be provided.
* The final agenda shall be defined and published considering also the topics of interest highlighted by the selected participants.
We are looking for 10 representatives coming on behalf of Romanian nongovernmental organisations interested in creating partnerships with entities from Norway and submit applications on the priorities envisaged for the future Calls of the Active Citizens Fund Romania.
Participants will be selected based on their interest shown towards the priorities of the Active Citizens Fund Romania, as well as the information provided in the registration form. Priority will be given to representatives of organizations that were not previously involved in activities facilitating networking and bilateral relations previously developed by the Civil Society Development Foundation Romania (i.e. mobilities financed through the previous calls under the Fund for Bilateral Relations, workshops organized by the Fund Operator etc).
Persoanele interesate care vin din partea organizațiilor românești sunt rugate să completeze formularul de înregistrare online care poate fi accesat .
The deadline for registration is November 27, 201and the selected participants will be announced by the first week of December 2019. Travel expenses, accommodation, meals and coffee breaks will be covered directly by the organizers for the entire duration of the event.
Contact person for any additional info:
Civil Society Development Foundation/Fundația pentru Dezvoltarea Societății Civile (Romania) Vlad Dumitrescu, Program Manager
Tel: +40 745 122 191