Zilele Cetățenilor Activi/ Active Citizens Days 2022 is an annual event organized by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and Fund Operators of the Active Citizens Fund - this year by ACF-National and ACF-Regional from Poland. The topic of the ACD 2022 is Advocacy for social inclusion: strategies and tools. Within that topic, special focus will be put on the subtopic of integration of persons of migrant/ refugee background. The programme is addressed to representatives of civil society organizations from the countries benefiting from the Active Citizens Fund, including Romania, and Norway, active in the area of social cohesion and support for vulnerable groups.
What is the aim of the programme?
The key outcomes of the programme will be:
broadening perspectives on challenges related to social inclusion and the role of CSOs in contributing to it;
raising awareness about different strategies applied by organizations in relation to advocacy activities;
establishing contacts and cooperation among participating organizations, including possible future partnerships.
What is the main topic for the Active Citizens Days 2022?
The main topic for this year’s programme is Advocacy for social inclusion: strategies and tools, with a special focus put on the topic of integration of persons with migrant/refugee background.
The decision on the topic was based on the fact that civil society organisations should be more equipped to advocate effectively for the most vulnerable, not only for access to quality public services, but also for fairer, value-based policies.
What is the agenda of the programme?
Participation in the Active Citizens Days 2022 will require involvement of all selected participants in:
- 3 online meetings (introductory meeting on June 22nd and 2 online workshops on September 12th and September 26th, 2022). Each meeting will take place during working hours (exact time TBC, but within the 9am-5pm working hours slot) and will include presentations and work groups and will take approx. 3 hours (including breaks),
- Live (onsite) meeting in Oslo (October 10-12th, 2022).
Working language: English
Who can participate?
We are looking for at least 2 participants from organizations in Romania active in the area of human rights and social inclusion. Only one application per organization can be submitted in this call.
The priority to participate will be given to Applicants representing organizations who:
are less-experienced or have recently started their advocacy activities,
have low access to participation in similar programmes,
are project promoters in the Active Citizens Fund Romania.
What is going to be expected from the participants?
As the working language of the programme will be English, good verbal and written communication skills in this language is a prerequisite. Furthermore, participants are expected to actively participate in all online meetings listed above and the meeting in Oslo. General openness for learning and sharing in the international environment is also a prerequisite.
Who is the organiser? Is the participation free of charge? Who is financing the programme?
The main organizers of the programme are the Norwegian Helsinki Committee in cooperation with Polish Fund Operators of the ACF.
Participation in the programme is free of charge.
Cost of the trip to Oslo (travel and accommodation costs) will be covered by CSDF for those selected to participate, while all costs of the online sessions and meeting onsite will be covered by the organizers.
How to apply?
In order to apply please fill in the application form available HERE (in english).