Apeluri bilaterale

REZULTATE SELECȚIE Apel nr. 3/2022 Fondul pentru Relații Bilaterale

Procesul de evaluare și selecţie a cererilor de finanțare depuse în cadrul Fondului pentru Relaţii Bilaterale Apel nr. 3/2022 (termen limită 28 februarie 2023) s-a derulat prin respectarea prevederilor incluse în Ghidul Solicitanţilor aferent Apelului şi a prevederilor Acordului de Implementare dintre Fundaţia pentru Dezvoltarea Societăţii Civile (FDSC) şi Oficiul Mecanismului Financiar (OMF). În etapa…

Selection results Call 2/2020 Fund for Bilateral Relations

The process of evaluation and selection of the applications submitted within the Fund for Bilateral Relations Call for proposals no. 2/2020 (deadline April 1, 2020) was carried out in compliance with the provisions included in the Guidelines for applicants of the Call and the provisions of the Implementation Agreement between the Civil Society Development Foundation (CSDF) and the Financial Mechanism Office (FMO).

SELECTION RESULTS Call 1/2019 Fund for Bilateral Relations

The process of evaluation and selection of the applications submitted within the Fund for Bilateral Relations Call for proposals no. 1/2019 (deadline October 4, 2019) was carried out in compliance with the provisions included in the Guidelines for applicants of the Call and the provisions of the Implementation Agreement between the Civil Society Development Foundation (CSDF) and the Financial Mechanism Office (FMO).