Name | Prenume | Organisation |
Dumitrescu | Raluca Andreea | GEYC |
Filimon | Diana | Apulum Forum |
Daea | Marius-Ilie | Asociația Eurolife |
Costea | Florentina | The Arman Community from Romania |
Iacoblev | Liuba | AUTISM ROMANIA |
Manta | George | The Danube Association Moldova Nouă |
Anca | Raluca | Concordia Humanitarian Organisation |
Bălan | Delia | World Youth Alliance Romania |
Cuță | Dragoș | FDES - Social Economy Development Foundation |
Daicer | Andrei | Asociația D.G.T. |
Chereș | Marius | The Association for Disabled persons Prahova County |
Lupu | Dragoș | Asociatia c4you |
Mărgăritescu | Mariana | Asociația Grup de Acțiune Locala Berceni |
Tudorache | Răzvan | ASOCIAȚIA KHORA |
Predescu | Nicoleta Cerasela | Pro ACT Suport |
Iațu | Andreea | Autism Baia Mare Association |
Horia (Bordei) | Cristina Marilena | SENSIBLU FOUNDATION |
Molodoi | Alexandra | WorldTeach Association |
Moraru | Aurelian-Corneliu | Grup de initiativa "Fii Satului" Balta Sarata |
Tudorică | Mihai | Association for Community Relations (ARC) |
Socea | Alis | Funky Citizens |
Achihai | Gabriela | Fundația de Spriin Comunitar |
Covaciu | Adrian | Asociatia ''AMARE PHRALA'' TAMASDA |
Avădanei | Alina | Centrul de Incubare Creativ Inovativ de Afaceri (CICIA) |
Cugler | Nina | Agenda 21 |
Johari | Alexandra | Institute for Public Policy |
Costache | Dragoș | Code for Romania |
Lacatus | Andreea-Elena | Asociatia inCAP |
Bărbulescu | Dan | The Văcărești Nature Pak Association (VNPA) |
Voicu | Ovidiu | Center for Public Innovation |
Andrei | Lavinia | TERRA Mileniul III |
Fronea | Adelina | Life Call Association |
Ciobănescu | Lavinia Monica | CJRAE Brașov |
Rădună | Ana | Asociația Cartier Aviației |
Pasnicu | Smaranda Ileana | Asociația Punctart |
Teodorescu | Andreea | Magic Seniors Association |
Zamfirescu | Irina | ActiveWatch |
Bălan | Irina | 37 Association |
Iosip | Oana | Telios Garden |
Ciuraru | Carmen | Ascendis Association |
Pavel | Irina | The Romanian National Committee For Children’s Rights |
Găldean | Nicolae | Asociația pentru Dezvoltare și Mediu - ADEMED |
Ungureanu | Claudia | "FDP - Protagonists in education" Association |
Voinea | Carmen | CARUSEL |
Bosnigeanu | Nicoleta | Asociatia Centrul pentru Educatie si Drepturile Omului |
Tufeanu | Richard | Fundatia o lume mai buna |
Mihailescu | Ionel Catalin | Mod of Life |
Lungoci | Ioana | Dorcas Aid Romania |
Manda | Constantin - Alexandru | Romanian Academic Society |
Checherita | Lucian - Silviu | Voices for Democracy and Justice Association |
Podariu | Mihaela Diana | Asociaţia SUPER TINERI (ASIRYS) |
Crjan | Mihaela-Ioana | MATKA NGO |
Burtea | Anna Cristina | Fundatia Inima de Copil |
Constantinescu | Lorita | ATELIERE FARA FRONTIERE (AFF) |
Lungu | Ada | Volens Association |
Burtea | Iolanda | Asociatia Reality Check |
Pavel | Iuliana Adriana | A4ACTION |
Sassu | Razvan | Asociatia Young Initiative |
Mart | Iulian | Asociația Sfânta Familia din Nazaret |
Cordos | Andra Camelia | Go Free-the Association for the Support of Civil Society |
Name | Prenume | Organisation |
Manta | George | The Danube Association Moldova Nouă |
Bălan | Delia | World Youth Alliance Romania |
Cuta | Dragos | FDES - Social Economy Development Foundation |
Tudorache | Răzvan | ASOCIAȚIA KHORA |
Covaciu | Adrian | Asociatia ''AMARE PHRALA'' TAMASDA |
Lungoci | Ioana | Dorcas Aid Romania |
Avădanei | Alina | Centrul de Incubare Creativ Inovativ de Afaceri |
Anca | Raluca | Concordia Humanitarian Organisation |
Margaritescu | Mariana | Asociația Grup de Acțiune Locala Berceni |
Tudorica | Mihai | Association for Community Relations (ARC) |
Socea | Alis | Funky Citizens |
Cugler | Nina | Agenda 21 |
Johari | Alexandra | Institute for Public Policy |
Ivanel | Bogdan | Code for Romania |
Barbulescu | Dan | The Vacaresti Nature Pak Association (VNPA) |
Voicu | Ovidiu | Center for Public Innovation |
Andrei | Lavinia | TERRA Mileniul III |
Rădună | Ana | Asociatia Cartier Aviatiei |
Zamfirescu | Irina | ActiveWatch |
Galdean | Nicolae | Asociatia pentru Dezvoltare si Mediu - ADEMED |
Voinea | Carmen | CARUSEL |
Manda | Constantin - Alexandru | Romanian Academic Society |
Constantinescu | Lorita | ATELIERE FARA FRONTIERE (AFF) |
Lungu | Ada | Volens Association |
Burtea | Iolanda | Asociatia Reality Check |
Bosnigeanu | Nicoleta | Asociația Centrul pentru Educatie și Drepturile Omului |
Name | Prenume | Organisation |
Lupu | Dragos | Asociația C4you |
Horia (Bordei) | Cristina Marilena | SENSIBLU FOUNDATION |
Ungureanu | Claudia | "FDP - Protagonists in education" Association |
Crjan | Mihaela-Ioana | MATKA NGO |
Burtea | Anna Cristina | Fundatia Inima de Copil |
Mart | Iulian | Asociația Sfânta Familia din Nazaret |
Cordos | Andra Camelia | Go Free-the Association for the Support of Civil Society |
The Romanian Fund Operator for the new Active Citizens Fund is pleased to announce and invite you to the firstMatchmaking Seminarorganized in Bucharest, Romania, on October 9-11, 2019, under the Fund for Bilateral Relations.
The aim of the seminar is to facilitate contact and discussions on opportunities for cooperation and partnership development between representatives of interested parties from Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein and Romanian NGOs. We look forward to sharing information on the Active Citizens Fund Romania and to provide space to develop ideas that could turn into donor partnership projects and be submitted within the forthcoming calls of the ACF Romania.
The thematic focus envisaged for discussions and cooperation will be in line with the specific areas of support covered by the Active Citizens Fund Romania, namely:
Democracy, active citizenship, good governance and transparency
Human rights and equal treatment
through combating any discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender identity
Social justice and inclusion of vulnerable groups
Gender equality and gender-based violence (GBV)
Environment and climate change
Preliminary agenda
October 9ᵗʰ, 2019
All day
Arrival of participants
Dinner at the hotel
October 10ᵗʰ, 2019
09.00 – 09.30
Registration & welcome coffee
09.30 – 11.00
Plenary session: Welcome remarks, overview of the Active Citizens Fund Romania and the Bilateral Relations support – state of fact and forthcoming calls for proposals, focusing on donor partnership opportunities
11.00 – 11.30
Coffee break
11.30 – 13.00
NGO Fair: Facilitated networking session for Romanian and Norwegian participants to showcase their own organizations and interests for collaboration.
13.00 – 14.30
14.30 – 18.00
How to bilateral: Thematic workshops conducted through interactive methods and focused on understanding national particularities in Romania and donor states, how can ACF Romania support donor partnership and working on concrete project ideas in partnerships
Networking dinner
October 11ᵗʰ, 2019
09.30 – 12.00
Building on project ideas: Open space facilitating interaction and expanding possibilities of cooperation among participants with different areas of interest
Closing remarks
(Coffee and drinks shall be available during the session)
Lunch and departure
Final agenda shall be defined considering also the topics of interest highlighted by the selected participants.
The working language of the event will be ENGLISH and no translation services will be provided.
Pentru acest eveniment căutăm cel puțin 15 participanți care vin în numele organizațiilor din statele donatoare – Islanda, Lichtenstein și Norvegia și 20 de participanți care provin din ONG-uri românești. Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să completeze formularul de înregistrare online care poate fi accesat de .
The deadline for registration is September 17, 2019and the selected participants will be announced by September 20 at the latest.
Due to the limited number of participants whose travel, accommodation and meals costs can be covered we can invite only one participant per represented organisation. In case of too many registrations, a selection procedure might be necessary to be conducted. Participants will be selected based on their interest shown towards priorities of the Active Citizens Fund Romania as well as their descriptions provided in the registration form. Priority will be given to representatives of organizations that were not previously involved in activities facilitating networking and bilateral relations development through the previous NGO Fund (i.e. mobilities financed through the previous calls under the Fund for Bilateral Relations, workshop organized by the Fund Operator etc.).
Accommodation, meals and coffee breaks will be covered directly by the organizers for the duration of the Seminar. Travel expenses will be covered only as reimbursement after the event. Further information, as well as the location of the event, will be provided for the selected participants, in a confirmation email from the organizers.
Contact person for any additional info:
The Civil Society Development Foundation
Vlad Dumitrescu, Program Manager
Tel: +40 745 122 191