Active Citizens 4 Human Rights, an opportunity for development and cooperation

45 organizations working in the field of human rights in Romania, Norway and other Beneficiary States within theActive CitizensFund programme participate between March 14 and 16 in networking activities and workshops on organizational development (communication, fundraising, sustainability strategies, activism media, team motivation, burnout, etc.). The last day of the event is dedicated to study visits to Norwegian organisations to learn from their experience and establish possible bilateral collaborations.

The Power of Working Together unveiled at the international event „Human rights from a gender equality perspective” organized in Bucharest

The international thematic event „Human rights from a gender equality perspective” brought together more than 20 organisations from Romania and Norway. The event took place in Bucharest between 20-21 January 2022 and it was organized by the Civil Society Development Foundation and the Norwegian organisation Frivillighet Norge under the Fund for Bilateral Relations.


Are you involved in an NGO or any other associative structure and want to develop the skills you need to deal with the various situations you encounter? Want to learn more about civil society, working in NGOs and how to change things for the better? Are you willing to devote time and energy to these things? Do you want to be part of the new generation of leaders for civil society in Romania?

#haide la activitățile de sprijin pentru organizațiile mici

Pentru a veni în sprijinul organizațiilor mici de a aplica cu proiecte de succes la cea de-a treia sesiune de evaluare din cadrul programului Active Citizens Fund România, Operatorul de Fond organizează o serie de activități de sprijin în perioada iunie – august 2021. Pentru a treia sesiune de evaluare, organizațiile pot aplica pentru granturi mici în valoare de până la 50.000 euro, granturi disponibile în cadrul Apelurilor #1 – Participare civică în zone insuficient deservite, #4 – Conștientizare privind drepturile omului și tratament egal, #6 – Mobilizarea grupurilor vulnerabile din zone insuficient deservite.

Partners for a strong civil society

On June 14, the Fund Operator of the Active Citizens Fund Romania organized an online workshop for the Norwegian and Icelandic organizations that are official partners in the funded projects. The aim of the meeting was to assist the organizations in their project implementation by clarifying implementation rules of the programme and to facilitate discussions on opportunities to further strengthen bilateral relations between Romania and donor states, Liechtenstien, Iceland and Norway.