#haide Info session about the small grants

Fundația pentru Dezvoltarea Societății Civile organizează în cadrul programului de finanţare Active Citizens Fund România o sesiune de informare online pentru potențialii solicitanți. În cadrul evenimentului vor fi prezentate granturile mici care sunt deschise în prezent, ele fiind disponibile în cadrul Apelurilor #1 – Participare civică în zone insuficient deservite, #4 – Conştientizare privind drepturile omului şi tratament egal și #6 – Mobilizarea grupurilor vulnerabile din zone insuficient deservite.

#Haide @ let`s talk about bilateral relations throughout October, November and December

The Active Citizens Fund Romania program is about to launch a new series of Calls for proposals. For this reason, we invite non-governmental organizations from Romania interested in bilateral partnerships with entities from donor states to follow us live in the next two months, on the Facebook page of the program, where we will have a series of conversations with organizations from Norway and Iceland.


Are you involved in an NGO or any other associative structure and want to develop the skills you need to deal with the various situations you encounter? Want to learn more about civil society, working in NGOs and how to change things for the better? Are you willing to devote time and energy to these things? Do you want to be part of the new generation of leaders for civil society in Romania?

Let`s #getbilateral @ the Online Matchmaking Week // 2-6 November 2020

Given that there are a series of Calls for Proposals to be launched for the Active Citizens Fund Romania, we invite non-governmental organizations from Romania, interested in bilateral partnerships with entities from the donor states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, to the first online meetings that facilitate interaction and discussions on opportunities for cooperation and development of partnerships (Online Matchmaking Week), meetings to be organized online between 2nd and 6th of November 2020, within the Fund for Bilateral Relations.

Selection results Call 2/2020 Fund for Bilateral Relations

The process of evaluation and selection of the applications submitted within the Fund for Bilateral Relations Call for proposals no. 2/2020 (deadline April 1, 2020) was carried out in compliance with the provisions included in the Guidelines for applicants of the Call and the provisions of the Implementation Agreement between the Civil Society Development Foundation (CSDF) and the Financial Mechanism Office (FMO).

Let`s #getbilateral @ our online matchmaking cafés // 15 – 29 September 2020

We finished the series of online matchmaking cafes
The 3 online events were organized in September 2020 in order to discover thematic realities from Romania and donor states and they brought together 15 organizations from Norway and Iceland and 35 organizations from Romania. The organizations were informed and discussed on specific topics important for the Active Citizens Fund Romania program. In short, we present you some general ideas brought up from the conversations.