Call #2 – Civic education and engagement (round 1)
The objective of this Call is to increase citizens’ education on civic and human rights and help them in exercising/enforcing their rights.
The objective of this Call is to increase citizens’ education on civic and human rights and help them in exercising/enforcing their rights.
The objective of this Call is to stimulate civic engagement in underserved areas and for underserved target groups.
We are pleased to announce and invite Romanian organisations to our second international event – a Matchmaking Seminar organized in Sandefjord, Norge, on January 20 - 22, 2020, under the Fund for Bilateral Relations.
The process of evaluation and selection of the applications submitted within the Fund for Bilateral Relations Call for proposals no. 1/2019 (deadline October 4, 2019) was carried out in compliance with the provisions included in the Guidelines for applicants of the Call and the provisions of the Implementation Agreement between the Civil Society Development Foundation (CSDF) and the Financial Mechanism Office (FMO).
44 participants coming from donor states – Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway – and Romania met in Bucharest, Romania on October 10th and 11th at the first matchmaking seminar organised under the Fund for Bilateral Relations – Active Citizens Fund Romania.
Operatorul Fondului Active Citizens Fund România selectează experți în vederea realizării evaluării tehnice și financiare a proiectelor ce vor fi depuse în cadrul programului. Se solicită experiență anterioară de evaluare proiecte cu finanțare nerambursabilă și/sau în implementarea de proiecte/programe în domeniile vizate de program.
Are you involved in an NGO or any other associative structure and want to develop the skills you need to deal with the various situations you encounter? Want to learn more about civil society, working in NGOs and how to change things for the better? Are you willing to devote time and energy to these things?
Then #haide in Program3 – a long-term training Program for current and future young people involved in the third sector, a school for those who want to contribute to the development of civil society in Romania and beyond.
The International Conference on "Gender Equality: The Key to Economic and Social Development in Europe and Beyond" takes place in Reykjavík (Iceland) from 31 October to 1 November 2019 and is organized by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, in partnership with the Portuguese Committee for Citizenship and Gender Equality and the Norwegian Representation for Equality and Anti-Discrimination.
The Romanian Fund Operator for the new Program Active Citizens Fund is pleased to announce and invite you to the first Matchmaking Seminar aimed to facilitate interaction and discussion on Opportunities for Cooperation and Partnership Development, organized in Bucharest, Romania, from 9 to 11 October 2019, under the Fund for Bilateral Relations.
The objective of the current Call for proposals to support non-governmental organizations from Romania and entities from Donors States in developing sustainable partnerships and preparing and submitting an application for a donor partnership project under ACF Romania.